Foundation Software Construction Industry Report
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Last Modified: April 27, 2024

As we look forward to the new year with the passing of the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, the focus for many contractors is shifting to how the changes it brings will impact their day-to-day. Starting in 2022, contractors may see a variety of new opportunities coming their way.

The recently passed deal will undoubtedly lead to a multitude of new jobs throughout the industry. But with this influx of new projects also comes additional challenges, like how to handle reporting for government jobs like certified payroll and labor compliance. This, together with the continued labor shortage and rising costs of material prices, can add a lot to a business owner’s plate.

But the good news is that it’s never too early to start preparing to meet these challenges. It’s important to put a plan in place so you can make the most of these new opportunities. For contractors new to this type of work, learning how to go about bidding for government jobs is critical, but contractors should also look into the tools they’ll need to make sure the jobs succeed. Construction-specific software and services, for example, can help simplify tasks like bidding, scheduling labor, processing accounting and payroll, and running reports. With these tools in hand, owners can stay focused on the more important things — like getting the project done.

And while there will continue to be new challenges in store, they’re ultimately good challenges that will strengthen our industry. The most significant changes in the day-to-day may still be a little ways off, but it’s certainly a time to be optimistic about what the future of holds.

Some say the next few years will be a good time to be in the construction industry — I say it’ll be the best.

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