
Mobile and Cloud Security: What Contractors Should Know

Mobile and cloud technologies are moving swiftly onto jobsites and into offices across the construction trades. Though accounting software has
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Is Your Construction Payroll Getting the Most Out of Job Costing?

When it comes to accounting for labor costs, most other industries have it pretty straight forward. What makes the construction
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Five Myths That Could Hold Back Your Construction Business

Historically, the construction industry has often been slow to adopt new technologies. This is primarily because most believe in the
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The Secrets to Job Costing

Successful job costing can mean the difference between a profitable construction business and one that struggles to stay alive. In a
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Making the Most of Construction Job Cost Sheets

Like maps that guide drivers towards the right road, construction job costing can guide you towards managing more profitable projects. Knowing
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Strategies for Monitoring Cash Flow

Cash flow is the measurement of money earned versus money spent on a project. While all projects are unique, every project
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The Value of Investing in Construction Accounting Software

Investing in construction accounting software is extremely beneficial for a construction company. No matter the role or responsibilities in a company,
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The Best Construction Software Tech Stack for Your Business

Construction administrative processes can be time-consuming and difficult to manage without digital tools. Luckily, there are many options to help
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Navigating Election-Year Uncertainty

There’s always uncertainty at the beginning of a new year and 2024 is even more unpredictable as we approach a
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